
Speak, Brother

Updates and musings from the guys

EP Preview – Track #2 My Love

‘My Love’ is obviously a love song. But this song is about the love of a dad for his daughter. On her own, she couldn’t be happy. She was convinced she needed the accepting, loving words and opinions of some bloke to feel any self worth. I know this girl and she is beautiful in every way and it hurt every time she completely devalued herself so I wrote this song as a message to her. It’s kind of a love letter to her from her Dad.

I don’t know why exactly, but the idea of being completely content with yourself, be it looks, personality, hobbies, what ever it is, can actually be hard to imagine. To be free from the judgement of others and their opinions is not easy.

I’m writing this in the dressing room (not as posh as it may sound) at a gig where I’m the featured act of a competition. As good of an opportunity a competition in a nice big venue can be for a young artist, it is all based on the judgements of other people. You’re trying to impress someone based on your talent, image, looks, style, individuality (which is probably more to do with whether you’re ‘interesting’ to someone or not.). It tests you on how good you are as a product, more than your music. I can hear the young contestants talking about their performance, some more worried than others. There are more sad faces then happy ones at the end that’s for sure. Why does life have to be about the ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘may the best man win’.  What if it wasn’t? What if it was more to do with enjoying  yourself, enjoying your talent and enjoying others being themselves? Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as that.. With Magazines, Newspapers, Facebook Adverts, are all telling us there is something wrong with us, and we need to buy into whatever they’re doing to be complete… But hey.. I’m on the boundaries of ranting and should perhaps save that for another blog.

I don’t know of anyone who has it all figured out yet, but I’d hope that this song can be a reminder to us all, that we are all unique, lovable and that we are at our best when we are content with how we are made to be.



Adam White says:

Great track… if it’s going to be judged by people i wouldn’t worry, i’d say this one will do well!

Aday says:

Speak, Brother…brilliant,passionate,entertaining an absolute acoustic delight!Well done guys,your future deservedly cast among stars! Aday 🙂

Sean says:

Wonderful as always, with deep thoughts behind it all.

Oh and is this chest voice? 😉

James says:

Haha, who knows.. 😉

joel says:

Fantastic thoughts James.

Not only is there so much pressure to achieve and be the best/look the best/be the most popular but there’s also very little room for young people to fail in a positive/learning way or – just have the chance to try stuff out without fear.
That’s a real shame as it teaches people to put up walls. And you’re right; Dad’s are one of the few relationships a person has that can get past those walls.

Really great track 🙂

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