A few weeks ago, we set out to write a new song. We had a cabin in the Welsh valleys booked for a few days the following week and all we had was a song title.
Matt, during a long journey to a gig with little sleep and an energy drink, had a golden idea to just put the song name out there and invite people to help write the song.
We didn’t know what to expect to be honest. It felt like we were taking a bit of a risk. But we were absolutely bowled over from the response. Together, on the Inner Circle facebook group or through email, we shared our hearts in the form of past hurts, hope, stories, art, and poetry. It was hard at times to read and try to enter into others hurt. It was a little taste of our shared humanity, and it was beautiful.
Not to mention inspiring. Check this out for example:
This was painted by Martyn who shared his story and allowed me to share it here with you:
“I painted this 6 years ago (this month) it was the start of my divorce, separation, my youngest was only 12/13 weeks old. I had nowhere to sleep so slept in my car and in a church until I found a bed. Finances and work had ended and I was made redundant from a long standing teaching job and I was 3 months away from being sectioned and a week away from my mum passing away. It was the most chaotic point in my life. On one moment when I had my eldest (3 years old) we did some painting together and I painted this. After I finished Will said to me “Daddy you’re in the boat and the wolf and the snake can’t get you. You’re with him” I had never meant to do more than a stormy clouds but it wasn’t until he pointed it out that I saw a wolf howling and a snake curling each side of the boat. It really made me see the attack on both sides of the chaos (more with hindsight than at that time) I was in but I was safe in the eye of the storm. Hope this helps.”
I’d recommend checking out Martyn’s blog here: www.insidemartynsthoughts.com (Twitter @mr_kitney)
We had 11 pages of your contributions in total and needless to say the song wouldn’t have been the same without them. Hopefully we’ll share some more soon if we can.
Over 2 or so days in a cosy, secluded, signal-free cabin, we recorded the song as we wrote it and have come out with something we are truly buzzing about!
The song comes from a place bigger than just our own perspective. It was written in a context of uncertainty and risk, which is quite fitting as that is the nature of chaos really.
We still have some bits to finish off recording of the song. Then on to mastering, etc etc. So the song won’t be out until November 16th. However, I’m hoping we can play you the song beforehand privately via the Inner Circle. Watch this space and join the Facebook group if you can!
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